
Published papers:

Wu, Q., Li J., Parrott, S., López-López, J.A., Davies, S.R., Caldwell, D.M., Churchill, R., Peters, T.J., Lewis, G., Tallon, D., Dawson, S., Taylor, A., Kessler, D.S., Wiles, N., Welton, N.J., The cost effectiveness of different formats for delivery of cognitive behavioural therapy for depression: a systematic review based economic model. Value in Health 2020, Volume 23, No. 12, pages 1662-1670.

Stawarz, K., Preist, C., Tallon, D., Wiles, N., Kessler, D., Turner, K., Shafran, R., Coyle, D., Design Considerations for the Integrated Delivery of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression: User-Centered Design Study. JMIR Mental Health 2020, Volume 7, No. 9.

Stawarz, K., Preist, C., Tallon, D., Thomas, L., Turner K., Wiles, N., Kessler, D., Shafran, R., Coyle, D., Integrating the Digital and the Traditional to Deliver Therapy for Depression:Lessons from a Pragmatic Study. CHI Conference paper 2020.

Taylor, A., Tallon, D., Kessler, D., Peters, T.J., Shafran, R., Williams, C., Wiles, N., An expert consensus on the most effective components of cognitive behavioural therapy for adults with depression: a modified Delphi Study. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 2019, Volume 49, Issue 3, pages 242-255.

Stawarz, K., Preist, C., Coyle, D., Use of smartphone apps, social media and online resources to support mental health and wellbeing: an online survey. JMIR Mental Health 2019, Volume 6, No. 7. DOI:10.2193/12546

López-López, J., Davies, S., Caldwell, D., Churchill, R., Peters, T.J., Tallon, D., Dawson, S., Wu, Q., Li, J., Taylor, A., Lewis, G., Kessler, D., Wiles, N., Welton, N., The process and delivery of CBT for depression in adults: a systematic review and network analysis. Psychological Medicine 2019, Volume 49, Issue 12, pages 1937-1947.

Tallon, D., McClay, C., Kessler, D., Lewis, G., Peters, T.J.,  Shafran, R., Williams, C., Wiles, N., Materials used to support cognitive behavioural therapy for depression: a survey of therapists’ clinical practice and views. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 2019, Volume 48, Issue 6, pages 463-48. DOI:/10.1080/16506073.2018.1541927

Davies, S.R., Caldwell, D.M., Dawson, S., Sampson, S.J., Welton, N.J., Wiles, N., Kessler, D., Miljanovi, M., Milunovic, V., Peters, T., Lewis, G., Lopez-Lopez, J.A., Churchill, R., Multimedia-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy versus face-to-face cognitive behavioural therapy for depression in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD013184. DOI/10.1002/1465185.CD013184

Davies, S.R., Caldwell, D.M., Lopez-Lopez, J.A., Dawson, S., Wiles, N., Kessler, D., Welton, N.J., Churchill, R., The process and delivery of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for depression in adults: a network meta-analysis (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018; Issue 10, Art. No.: CD103140.;10. DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD013140

Stawarz, K., Preist, C., Tallon, D., Wiles, N., Coyle, D., User Experience of CBT Apps for Depression: An Analysis of App Functionality and User Reviews. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018; Volume 20, No. 6.  DOI: 2196/10120